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Early Morning Care and Extended Day Program
We encourage you to pack extra snacks for your child if he/she is coming to Extended Day which they can eat at any time after school. We provide a snack at 4:30 p.m.
It is important that you contact us if your child has a food allergy. We ask that you provide the snacks for your child. We will make accommodations so all children can participate in our cooking activities.
Miss Hurlburt or Miss Martinez will check your child’s homework and reading. If your child is finished, they may engage in a quiet activity. If they need more time, there is 30 minutes of free time before our Enrichment activity. This time is used for finishing homework, eating snack, cleaning up, etc.
Although we strongly encourage participation in our Enrichment activities, it is not required.
If we are in a location other than our “home” location (Computer Room), a message will be posted on the door of the middle school building, closest to the parking lot, letting you know where to find us.
The latest pick up time is 6:00pm. You will be charged additionally if you are late to pick up your child. Please contact us if you are running late.
Please contact us if someone else is picking up your child. We check identification when necessary.
Please contact us if you have any concerns regarding your child’s after school routine.
Yes, Early Morning Care is offered beginning at 7:00 am on school days. The fee is $8 for the
entire time or portion of. Due to safety and security reasons, any student on campus before 7:45
will be asked to attend our early morning care. At 7:45 am students are taken to their classes.
Morning Care takes place in the Gym or backyard. Please ring the bell located on the black
gate between the elementary building and gym and someone will open the gate for you.
Yes, Extended Day is offered from 2:45 – 6:00 pm on school days. The Extended Day Program is available for any GHS student in Junior Kindergarten through8th grade and is designed to be convenient for parents and fun and enriching for children. The program provides a balanced mix of free play, supervised homework time, and fun activities that all children will enjoy.